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Janice Galloway

Author of The Trick is to Keep Breathing

19+ Works 1,230 Members 33 Reviews 5 Favorited

About the Author

Janice Galloway's first novel, The Trick Is to Keep Breathing, was published in 1990 and won the MIND/Allen Lane Book of the Year and was shortlisted for the Whitbread First Novel and Scottish First Book. A story from her second book, Blood, won the Cosmopolitan/Perrier Short Story Award. Her show more second novel, Foreign Parts, won the McVitie's Prize in 1994, the same year she won the American Academy of Arts and Letters' E. M. Forster Award. She lives in Glasgow show less

Includes the names: Janice Galloway, Janice Gallloway

Image credit: Murdo MacLeod/The Guardian

Works by Janice Galloway

Clara (2002) 211 copies
Foreign Parts (1994) 119 copies
This is Not About Me (1557) 80 copies
Blood (1991) 73 copies
Where You Find It (1988) 46 copies
All Made Up (2011) 37 copies
Collected Stories (2009) 21 copies
Jellyfish (2015) 18 copies
Rosengarten (2005) 4 copies
Anne Bevan: Pipelines (2000) 4 copies

Associated Works

Mortification: Writers' Stories of Their Public Shame (2003) — Contributor — 280 copies
Granta 76: Music (2001) — Contributor — 156 copies
Granta 115: The F Word (2011) — Contributor — 113 copies
Beacons: Stories for Our Not So Distant Future (2013) — Contributor — 34 copies
Granta 158: In the Family (2022) — Contributor — 27 copies
Best British Short Stories 2016 (2016) — Contributor — 19 copies
A Second Skin: Women Write about Clothes (1998) — Contributor — 17 copies
Starfield (1989) — Contributor — 11 copies
Shouting It Out: Stories from Contemporary Scotland (1995) — Contributor — 5 copies
Wynd: 130 (2010) — Contributor — 1 copy


Common Knowledge



Strong depiction of depression and PTSD. Wasn't really sure what to make of how it ended/not sure why things changed.
ElegantMechanic | 15 other reviews | May 28, 2022 |
A seemingly unceasing descent to madness, The Trick is to Keep Breathing has interesting tricks up its prose. Words and phrases break down, split, and transform, sentences lose itself midway and regain their momentous back only to incoherently mesh with each other, as they steer the novel’s gnawing touch of realism. Depression enshrouds it all in its despair and darkness; the dullness and repetitive nature of work further puts weight against the novel’s already heavy narrative. In spite of its largely threatening gloom, it strips the layers of stigma against mental illness down to a degree without romanticising or highlighting it as a mere pity party; the accurate portrayal of the overwhelming lack of understanding perpetuates abuse, manipulation, at times sexual coercion, even the disgusting manner of how people treat it as a laughable matter. And the mental health care system here, as much as a reflection of reality, is thoroughly frustrating and ugly which deeply represent the problematic disregard and insensitivity not only from the government but also mental health professionals themselves. It is expectedly disappointing. Only the inclusion of family history of mental illness on the female side is a little uneven and is grazed upon in haste as it sits between unsuccessfully dying and unsuccessfully living. Nonetheless, The Trick is to Keep Breathing gasps for air in relief after nearly drowning near its end; a hold onto any fragile thread of survival just to keep going.… (more)
lethalmauve | 15 other reviews | Jan 25, 2021 |



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