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Huda Fahmy

Author of Huda F Are You?

4 Works 536 Members 52 Reviews

Works by Huda Fahmy


Common Knowledge



Huda and her sisters are actually taking a family vacation this summer - to Disney World! But, it’s not all going to be a walk in the park. First Huda must survive the 24-hour car ride from Michigan to Florida, crammed in the back seat with her sisters. Then, Huda can’t help but notice all the stares her family gets, especially when they’re praying in public - back home in Dearborn, their family blends right in with the large Muslim population, but in Florida, not so much.

This graphic novel is filled with force (but successful??) sisterly bonding, a possible new friendship, and some mixed feelings about exactly why Huda cares so much about what other people thought.

The sibling dynamics are so spot on - especially sisterly ones. So many scenarios where I thought, “Yep, my sisters and I have had a version of this fight ourselves”.

I love how the author was able to mix nostalgia with humor and still be very eye opening. Her family is very blessed back in Dearborn to be surrounded with a large Muslim community, but her parents know that’s not how it will be “out in the real world” and their trip to Disney World is kind of a tester for them. It takes Huda a bit to realize that, but she still comes out of the trip being proud to be Muslim.

Overall, I love Huda’s series and will definitely be recommending her books to loads of people. You don’t necessarily have to read her first graphic novel to understand this one at all. But this one is nice for those with sisters to read a story of a family road trip - cause we’ve all been there, right??
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oldandnewbooksmell | 4 other reviews | Mar 11, 2024 |
Super strong voice, funny and honest. I have so much dang respect for hijabis.
boopingaround | 16 other reviews | Mar 6, 2024 |
"Friends come and go, but sisters are forever." Huda's back with a second book. In this one, she and her sisters are going to DisneyWorld with their family. A 24 hour drive. Her parents decide that the sisters will pair up for time at the park. They hit some rough patches, but in the end they bond, embrace their culture despite comments, sneers, and unwelcome touch, and have a great time at the "Happiest Place on Earth".
A super quick read. Love that there is big font in the text.
ewyatt | 4 other reviews | Feb 12, 2024 |
I laughed out loud several times, learned some things, and wished I could meet her because she sounds dope.
See the full review and more at mybookjoy.com!

Recommended: Yes!
For insight into what it's like to have a modern-day arranged marriage (note it's not a FORCED marriage), for a funny story about finding yourself and finding love

This was like having a friend you can ask questions about without worrying you'll accidentally be offensive. Like the answer to the questions you want to ask but aren't sure you're allowed to. It was also HILARIOUS! And so, so sweet. I can never turn down a cute little love story!

And oh, man, was this funny. I laughed a lot, and those are often my favorite kinds of reads. Between moments in the story itself and the art that enhanced the jokes, I was positively cackling. It probably sounded a bit like my own zaghrit at times.

It's obviously a love story, and you pretty much know where it's heading considering the dedication is "To Gehad." That just makes it all the more delectable to follow along, cheering for her and thinking "Ooooh girl just wait till you see what's coming your way..."

There were also some good words of wisdom in there too, and one I particularly liked was when her mother challenges Huda, asking her "What, you think people who date first don't get divorced?" Like... yeah good point, right?

The main thing keeping it from five stars was the feeling that something was missing from the art style. It felt a bit awkward at first and took some getting used to. I think this is primarily due to the lack of variable line thickness and depth, which made it look very flat and like it was done entirely in MS paint. If it WAS done entirely in MS paint, then I'm actually super impressed. It took some getting used to it, but what she does with her art is fantastic and easily overrides any awkwardness in the style itself. The extra bits of humour and story done through visual elements added a lot to the story and the personalization of it.

PS - I read the foreword, and I recommend you do too. The "I don't sleep with my hijab on" disclaimer alone was worth it.

Thanks to NetGalley and Andrew McMeels Publishing for a free copy in exchange for an honest review.
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Jenniferforjoy | 16 other reviews | Jan 29, 2024 |



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