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16 Works 56 Members 15 Reviews

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Includes the name: M.J. Evans


Works by M. J. Evans


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Pinto! explores a forgotten time in American history when a group of men went on horseback to all forty-eight states.

I found this to be an engaging story full of history. Some states were skimmed over a bit but others described towns and people and their way of life. Even thought this book is fiction, I still learned a lot about a bit of everything.

Typically, I avoid stories that are told from the perspective of an animal but I am glad that I have this one a chance. It didn't feel unrealistic and the thoughts of Pinto were very much what I think a horse would actually have. (pesky mosquitoes)

I felt that some parts were more telling than showing. Just to explain, showing is when something is shown with emotion and thoughts while telling is when the narrator just states

I'd recommend this to anyone who is looking for a clean read full of history and horses.

Rating: 4/5
Language: n/a

Romance: n/a

Spiritual: n/a

Violence: n/a

*I received a copy of this book from the author. All thoughts are my own and a positive review was not required.
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libraryofemma | 2 other reviews | Apr 18, 2024 |
Wow! This one was quite good and just kept me reading the whole time.
I loved how Sally (the horse) tenderly taught Hunter (MC) about patience, hard work, and being trustworthy. Sally was very scared, just as Hunter was, when he came to the ranch and it was nice to see their bonding. Some of the descriptions of the training got a little beyond my knowledge.
Smokey was such a great mentor for all the boys. He has lived a lot of life and I also found myself drawn to what he was saying.
That ending was heartbreaking but so full of hope. It just brightened up my day and I’m amazed by the author’s ability to play with emotions.
If you are looking for a book that will fill you with hope, I can’t point you to a better book than Heart of a Mustang.

Rating: 5/5
Romance: n/a
Language: a racial slur used in a case of bullying
Violence: bullying, injuries, broken bones, an animal put down, death, murder
Spiritual: praying to God

*I received a copy of this book from the author. All thoughts are my own and a positive review was not required.
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libraryofemma | 2 other reviews | Apr 18, 2024 |
I love books based on true events and animals, so when I got a chance to get my hands on Finding Fionn by M J Evans, I had to have it. Finding Fionn is a mystery based on the kidnapping of Shergar, an Irish thoroughbred who had an amazing winning record.

Before I even cracked open the book, I was surfing for information on Shergar, the horse the book was based on. My biggest takeaway was how thought provoking the story was. Could there be some truth to the fiction?

M J Evans explains the IRA position in a simple to understand manner for such a complex situation. I have read other books where the IRA made an appearance and it was always hard for me to understand…why the conflict? Also, once their first kidnapping, to finance their war, was successful, why would they quit there? But a horse?

Fionn MacCool was a very successful racer and quickly put to stud. Patrick McCallin was the lucky, young jockey who got him there. It had been Patrick’s dream to be a jockey and when Fionn was taken, he was not going to stand by and watch as they closed the case.

It’s fun when a group of young people come together to solve a mystery. We have danger, betrayal and greed…the things people will do for money, never satisfied with what they have.

Finding Fionn is a wonderful story of a boy’s love for horses and his desire to be a jockey. I love the thought provoking conclusion and I think I will make my own conjecture on what really happened to the horse, Shergar, that the story was based on. I love that we have a happy ever after for Fionn MacCool, not so for Shergar.

See more at
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sherry69 | Nov 2, 2023 |

The Sand Pounder – Love and Drama on Horseback in WWII by M. J. Evans is a different take on WWII stories I am use to reading. I have to admit, I didn’t know what a Sand Pounder did before I read this book. I appreciate the attention to detail Evans shows readers in this book. I found myself learning several new things as I read this book. I enjoyed the carefully crafted characters and their development throughout the plot. John, aka Jane was fabulous! She played her part in the story so very well, and didn’t mind having to dwell with the other men. She was more concerned about doing the job she came to do. Will she be found out? Well, this is a reason you need to read this book. You will love the easy reading of author M. J. Evans as she tells this story through the eye of young Jane. If you want a good clean read or know a young person that loves to read, this would be a wonderful choice. And those of you who are WWII bugging, you will enjoy this different take on the war. I encourage you to pick up your copy today.

A special thanks to the author/publisher for a copy of this book. I am not required to write a positive review, the opinions here are mine alone. I am disclosing this with my review in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255.
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JoyChattinHannabass | 2 other reviews | Oct 16, 2021 |



½ 4.4

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