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21 Works 304 Members 4 Reviews

About the Author

Dawson Church, PhD, is an award-winning author whose best-selling book The Genie in Your Genes (www.YourGeniusGene.com) has been hailed by reviewers as a breakthrough in linking emotional and genetics. His follow-up title, Mind to Matter (www.MindToMatter.com), reviews the science of peak mental show more states. He has conducted dozens of clinical trials, and he founded the National Institute for Integrative Healthcare (www.NIIH.org) to promote groundbreaking new treatments. He shares how to apply the breakthroughs of energy psychology to health and personal performance through EFT Universe (www.EFTUniverse.com), one of the largest alternative medicine sites on the web. Websites: www.EFTUniverse.com, www.dawsonchurch.com show less

Works by Dawson Church

The Heart of the Healer (1987) 19 copies
The EFT Manual (2013) 11 copies
Da Mente à Matéria (2020) 3 copies
EFT for Weight Loss (2013) 1 copy


Common Knowledge




One part scientific studies, one part metaphysics, in Mind to Matter Dawson Church seeks to explore the idea that thoughts shape reality. The human mind and consciousness is an amazing thing, one that has not been researched nearly enough. Some of the concepts highlighted in the book are:

• Healing cancer with energy (yes, an actual scientific study)
• Quantum physics of the observer effect, entanglement and more
• Coherence
• Synchronicity
• How meditation changes brainwaves

I can see how if someone is not into "New Age woo" could be turned off by this book as Church uses a lot of that style of language, especially in the first chapter of the book. If you can push past all that, Mind to Matter makes for a thought provoking read. I need to check out further reading on this subject as I find it fascinating.
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Narilka | Dec 22, 2021 |
Energy Follow thought...Energize yours!

I was delighted to see such a comprehensive, informative and enlightening approach to energy medicine.
As an acupuncturist and herbalist I know that energy medicine and holistic care need to be integrated into Western medicine to resolve our health crisis. Drugs, stress, toxic environments and foods are ruining us. Western medicine only offers to mask the symptoms and by default the health of our society worsens decade to decade.

No one explains energy medicine better!!
His thorough, yet easy to understand chapters discuss the mechanisms and how to’s of several protocols. I am not a rocket scientist so I was happy that I could easily follow and understand some of the more complex theories.
This book not only discusses the A-Z’s of energy medicine but gives history, research and how to’s.
It is stacked with scientific proof and experiments that amazed me.

I liked that the chapters were broken out clearly and concisely. It gave me a clear understanding of how these modalities started, how they are used and what there potential could be to improve patient health care.

This book is a great reference and informational resource for anyone dissatisfied with their current state of emotional or physical health. I learned new ways to help my patients heal.

It is a great tool for western physicians, health care workers, alternative practitioners, and the public. The references and index section are extraordinary.

I can’t count the number of dog eared pages I have. Pages I want to go back to re-read, to draw from and to share with others. I learned a lot personally and professionally. Teachings that I want to share with family, other professionals, and patients.

This is a very meaningful work that can not only change minds, but changes lives.

This was a complimentary review copy.
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kathieoc | Mar 17, 2010 |


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