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Kylie Chan

Author of White Tiger

21+ Works 2,283 Members 79 Reviews 7 Favorited

About the Author

Includes the name: Kylie Chan


Works by Kylie Chan

White Tiger (2006) 560 copies
Red Phoenix (2007) 370 copies
Blue Dragon (2007) 317 copies
Earth to Hell (2010) 220 copies
Hell to Heaven (2010) 176 copies
Heaven to Wudang (2011) 161 copies
Dark Serpent (2013) 127 copies
Demon Child (2014) 97 copies
Black Jade (2016) 89 copies
Scales of Empire (2018) 40 copies
Small Shen (2012) 39 copies
Black Scales White Fur (2013) 20 copies
Dark Heavens Trilogy (2013) 14 copies
The Gravity Engine (2014) 13 copies
The Bride with Red Hair (2016) 8 copies
Dawn of Empire (2020) 7 copies
Journey to Wudang (2013) 6 copies
Minds of sand and light (2023) 5 copies
Breakdown 1 copy

Associated Works

Relics, Wrecks and Ruins (2021) — Contributor — 9 copies


(59) Australian (15) Australian author (21) calibre (11) China (73) Chinese (20) Chinese gods (11) Chinese mythology (67) Dark Heavens (24) demons (26) dragons (33) ebook (61) fantasy (297) fiction (105) God/s (10) gods (36) Hong Kong (65) karate (12) Kindle (25) kung fu (15) Kylie Chan (10) library (11) magic (21) martial arts (85) modern fantasy (16) paperback (30) paranormal (11) read (19) romance (31) science fiction (32) Science Fiction/Fantasy (19) series (20) signed (15) supernatural (15) to-read (110) urban (16) urban fantasy (85) wishlist (12) wuxia (13) xianxia (12)

Common Knowledge

Places of residence
Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
Hong Kong, China
information technology consultant
Short biography
Twenty years ago Kylie Chan married a Hong Kong national in a traditional Chinese wedding ceremony in Eastern China. She and her husband lived in Australia for eight years, then in Hong Kong for ten years. She has seen a great deal of Chinese culture and has come to appreciate the customs and way of life.

Three years ago she closed down her successful IT consultancy company in Hong Kong and moved back to Australia. She decided to use her knowledge of Chinese mythology, culture, and martial arts to weave a story that would appeal to a wide audience.

Since returning to Australia, Kylie has studied kung fu (Wing Chun and Southern Chow Clan styles) as well as tai chi, and is now a senior belt in both forms. She has also made an intensive study of Buddhist and Taoist philosophy and has brought all of these together into her storytelling. Kylie is a mother of two and lives in Brisbane. [from Amazon.com, Heaven to Hell, ASIN: B007HBY9ZC, retrieved 5/7/2014]



Not much of a review, but I especially liked the Chinese mythology in this novel.
MyFathersDragon | 38 other reviews | Feb 18, 2024 |
Red phoenix is definitely an improvement over White tiger. It is still rather slow and somewhat repetitive (I was getting particularly sick of Emma mentioning how she doesn't need words in her relationship with Mr. Chen). However, it was not actively boring, things keep happening and the story is finally moving forward beyond 'Emma learns to fight better'. She still does of course, and she's really good at everything and everybody loves her and admires her (it gets a bit cloying), but the fighting is more interesting now that Emma is doing more advanced energy work, things progress between John and Emma, and we see a bit more of this Chinese mythology world. I'm a particular fan of all the stones, they are all really cool, and I also like the dragons (of course). Since I was really tired this week, I couldn't handle anything even slightly taxing, so this was perfect. Despite all the demon attacks, this book is really comfy, and quite frankly, when I'm in the state I was in this week, I'm absolutely fine with too-perfect too-powerful protagonists. I want someone I can count on to save the day without any twinge of worry. Plus, the Chinese mythology is cool, well executed and well integrated into current-day society, and there's a refreshing lack of misogyny in this book. The only thing I really thought was stupid was the thing where Emma likes it when John looses control in the bed, pins her down and comes awfully close to raping her. This the first time they have sex ever. She even tries to incite this state in him later on. … (more)
zjakkelien | 14 other reviews | Jan 2, 2024 |
Blue dragon continues in the vein of Red phoenix. Emma learns more energy work, there are attacks by weird demons, and we see some more of the Chinese gods, stones, and dragons. I was disappointed about the ending, though. Way too much to-do about destroying Simon Wong, with no explanation of how it was done. A bit deus-ex-machina-like, with skills coming to the fore that we hadn't seen before. Quite frankly, with skills that could have been used to better effect beforehand if they had been there all along.
On top of that, the mystery around Emma STILL isn't solved, and if I am to believe the blurbs of Dark serpent, it's not going to be solved in the Journey to Wudang series either. Worse, the situation has become more complicated due to Wong's meddling. I'm a bit exasperated by it all, I feel this end is deviating from the path the books were following for 2.8 books, loosing some of its optimism and its feel-good aspect. I'm sure it will all be ok at some point in the next series, but that is just not right. This is a trilogy, a series in its own right. It should have a decent ending on its own. I really am a bit put out about this. I really don't feel like having to go through the whole next series before things are put to rights...
… (more)
zjakkelien | 10 other reviews | Jan 2, 2024 |
I happen to be the kind of person who likes slow books. I enjoy descriptions of daily life, and I don't need the action exploding around me. My feelings about White tiger are a bit ambiguous though. The book is slow, albeit for a definition of slow that includes fights with demons, but in some respects it felt too slow even for me, where the aforementioned fights with demons became too repetitive. So how come, even though I think the book was too slow, I still like it? I thought the love affair was too corny, and the main character Emma, the nanny who finds out her employer is a god, too unfazed. Still, I read it in two evenings. The setting is definitely original with a lot of Chinese mythology that was enjoyable and the story is engaging. I liked the descriptions of Emma's martial arts training. And the side characters particularly are vividly described. I hope some of the side story lines (like the ones with Emma's friend) will turn out to have a point in the next books. And I hope there will be a bit more story and a little less repetitiveness in the fighting (yes, I know Emma is getting better and better in these fights, but still) in the next books. But in spite of some flaws, I rather liked this one and I guess I'm going to buy number two soon...

Second read: I didn't have the best recollection about this book, but I was really tired this week and I needed to read something non-taxing. This was perfect. Admittedly, there are some incredibly boring bits in the beginning of this book. Especially before Emma finds out about the divinity of her employer and the parts where she meets with her friends. It turns out they have a role to play in the later books, but still, I can't really see why they are friends at all sometimes...
After Emma finds out, it gets better, though. Not a whole lot, it's still slow and repetitive, but this was exactly what I needed. The characters are nice, there's no need to worry about something bad happening, and how many fantasy books do you know with Chinese mythology? That bit was interesting and nicely done. Nr. 2 had been sitting on my shelf for ages, but I got that one out too, and am currently reading nr. 3 and enjoying myself.
… (more)
zjakkelien | 38 other reviews | Jan 2, 2024 |



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