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Paula Cappa

Author of The Dazzling Darkness

12 Works 71 Members 5 Reviews

Works by Paula Cappa


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Cappa, Paula
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Cappa, Paula
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copy editor
Short biography
Paula Cappa is a published short story author, novelist, and freelance copy editor. Her short fiction has appeared in SmokeLong Quarterly, Every Day Fiction, Fiction365, Twilight Times, and in anthologies Human Writes Literary Journal, and Mystery Time. Paula’s writing career began as a freelance journalist for newspapers in New York and Connecticut. Her debut novel Night Sea Journey, A Tale of the Supernatural launched in October 2012. The Dazzling Darkness, her second novel launched in April 2013. Both ebooks are available on Amazon. She writes a weekly fiction blog, Reading Fiction,Tales of Terror, on her Web site at WordPress.



Alexei Georg was born to be a famous musician, his father was a pianist and Alexei’s only desire was to follow in his footsteps. Alexei has created a name for himself by writing and performing a sonata called October. At least that’s what people believe, Alexei has a dark secret. He found the sonata in an old 19th century Russian sea chest. When he performs it a dark creature appears and stalks him and now his career is going downhill.

To make matters worse Alexei is having an affair and his wife has been murdered with the evidence pointing to him. In order to revive his career Alexei plans to write a symphony based on the songs of the beluga whales while in isolation on Mt. Greylock. Though even alone on the mountain he can’t escape the creature that he has brought into the world or the accusations of murder. Alexei must face the darkness he has unleashed or it could use him as a conduit forever.

Greylock by Paula Cappa is a supernatural murder mystery where mythology and music create a dark mood. The music itself is like a character and what and how something is being played has an effect on everyone else in the book. It’s through the music that evil gets unleashed, but it’s also how Alexei expresses his emotions. Music is his life and it’s what makes him happy, even if some think he is not really that good at it. Alexei is a complicated character, at first I found I didn’t like him because he is having an affair, talks about murdering his wife and he is lying about the music he creates. Though as you get to know him you see him as someone who wants to live up to the family legacy and is willing to do anything to do so. This is a need that’s easy to relate to. By the end of the book you see a very different Alexei then you see a the beginning and its the character’s transformation that makes the book memorable.

Another thing I liked about Greylock was how the mystery unfolds. there are two different mysteries going on at the same time and in the case of the murder mystery there were times in the story where I was pretty sure that three different people were the murderer but I was wrong each time. This was enough to hold my interest throughout and the other mystery of who the dark entity is was just as compelling.

Greylock is not your average horror novel, it’s more personal. There is no over the top violence but you see Alexei deal with such personal horrors as abandonment, betrayal, wanting something he can’t have, his own insecurities as a musician and his need for fame. On a smaller level we also see the other characters in the book deal with the same issues and see what different paths their choices lead them in. Greylock is the kind of book you may have to read twice to catch all the subtle details, it’s about creating a mood and not in your face like some horror is. If you enjoy a good supernatural mystery then you should check it out.
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dwatson2 | 1 other review | Mar 8, 2017 |
Tell me the book is about music and the supernatural, and I'm immediately hooked. In Greylock, we have a classical music spin-off of the Robert Johnson story, in which he sells his soul to the devil at the crossroads in exchange for being a gifted blues guitarist. Here, instead, the instrument is the piano and the gift sought is the ultimate music composition, which will, of course, bring fame. I thoroughly enjoyed this aspect of the story. The author beautifully captures music's emotional pull and power.

The first half of the book doesn't feel particularly supernatural, but instead feels more literary. We explore emotions and relationships. The pace is fairly slow. The second half of the book picks up considerably, and this is when the content is heavily influenced by supernatural possibilities. This aspect is well done and believable.

My grumbling points come with characterization and, in smaller part, setting. For me, loving a book requires me to believe the characters could step off the pages and live among us. I just didn't feel that with this story. The characters felt stiff and their dialogue overly formal. I actually grew up minutes from where this story takes place, but I never got any sense of "home" from the people or the place.

Finally, some aspects of the plot didn't ring true for me. The murder investigation felt too peripheral, given the situation. And the music community's reaction to Alexei's grand confession appeared far too easy and forgiving.

In the end, there were aspects of this book that I loved. And, given the glowing reviews, I am clearly in the minority with my complaints. If the mix of music and the supernatural appeals to you, definitely give this book a try.

*I was provided with an ebook copy in exchange for my honest review.*
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Darcia | 1 other review | Jan 29, 2016 |
I received this book from the author in exchange for a fair and honest review. Having read the work I will say that it was an interesting attempt at stylistic writing in the fantastical-realism genre. The author seemed to be trying to establish a modern, informal tone while also imparting a perpetual dreamlike quality. I have to be honest, for me the two didn't work together.

While the dialogue was well composed and engaging, to me the narrative came across as stilted. It made for awkward reading, enough to to prevent me from truly losing myself in the story. The imagery was strong and majestic but unfortunately not always easy to comprehend in relation to the plot.

If you're seeking a rich storytelling experience, I would look elsewhere. If you're looking for a dark, colorful mood-setter, it was accomplished and this may be the book for you.
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DianaFord | 1 other review | Jan 5, 2016 |
At first, I wasn't sure what to make of this book. I was intrigued by the introduction to Elias Hatch, the groundskeeper of Old Willow Cemetery, who seemed to be able to see ghosts. Then my heart broke for the Brooke family, whose son went missing.

Then I was a little peeved by the characterizations. For example, Detective Balducci longs for his dead wife, but has an unexplained superficial attraction to almost every female character (including to Antonia Brooke, while taking her statement about her missing son). He even compares another female character to a Vogue model (A detective familiar with Vogue? Huh? That one really stopped me). Adam Brooke had the classic wealthy, aloof parents who appeared to give Adam reward money, and then disappeared completely from the story. Antonia's roots to Umbria, Italy were mentioned enough times that I thought they might be important, but they weren't. There were also other POV scenes juxtaposed against the main story line that were interesting but confusing (i.e., what was the purpose?) until the very, very end.

About halfway through the novel, the plot twisted and slowly turned into beautiful, gothic, supernatural mystery centered on the question of how and when (and if?) we let go of the people we love. Despite my impatience with the pacing and some of the characters at the beginning of the novel, I became riveted at the halfway point and HAD to finish it. And the unique ending really made up for a few irritations with the beginning. I'd recommend reading it.
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danielle_burnette | Nov 11, 2015 |




½ 3.5

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