Picture of author.

Lori Ann Bailey

Author of Highland Deception

10 Works 47 Members 8 Reviews

About the Author


Works by Lori Ann Bailey


Common Knowledge

Washington DC Romance Writers Program Director, Romance Writers of America as a member of the National Workshop Committee.
Awards and honors
Winner of the National Readers' Choice Award and Holt Medallion for Best First Book and Best Historical
Jessica Watterson of the Sandra Dijkstra Literary Agency
Short biography
Lori Ann Bailey is a wife and stay-at-home mother who realized overindulging in wine was a bad idea. She started reading romance as an escape from everyday stresses only to discover she'd always had her own reality and stories dancing in her head. Winner of the National Readers' Choice Award and Holt Medallion for Best First Book and Best Historical, she writes hunky highland heroes and strong-willed independent lasses finding their perfect matches in the Highlands of 17th century Scotland.

She has served two years as the Washington DC Romance Writers Program Director and is currently on her second stint of service to Romance Writers of America as a member of the National Workshop Committee.

After growing up and attending college in Mississippi, she lived in Ohio, Manhattan, and London, but chose to settle in Vienna, VA with her husband and four children. And while she loves her life, most days, she's behind the computer writing or at the sink washing everyone else's dirty dishes, dreaming of being in Scotland or New York City.



*** 3.7 Stars ***

This is a highly emotional, angsty tale of two lovers who were torn apart by trickery and deceit. Three years previous to this story, Olivia Ledford witnessed the shooting of her betrothed – the love of her life – and she was convinced she was in danger as well. She willingly allowed herself to be moved to England (from Aberdeen, Scotland) where she was casually moved from relative to relative – none of whom really wanted her. In all that time, she never quit mourning her love and certainly never considered a life with anyone else. Until her cousin, whom she loved like a brother, convinced her to come back to Aberdeen and consider marriage to a man who was interested in her. She decided she’d at least consider it since she really wanted a home and family of her own and if it couldn’t be with the man she loved, maybe it could be with a man she liked.

Callum Campbell was walking through the village with his betrothed – the love of his life – when he was shot in the head. Later, when he awoke, it was to find a letter on his bedside table. A letter from his beloved – a goodbye letter. She had left him when he needed her most. But . . . Everyone left him when he needed them most. If he loved them, they left him. So, he closed off his heart, his emotions, and certainly his love for Olivia.

Imagine the utter shock each of them felt when they ran into each other on the streets of Aberdeen three years later. At first, Olivia thought she must be seeing a ghost – or at least Callum’s twin brother. No, it really was Callum. Why hadn’t he come after her? Why hadn’t he let her know he was alive? Why hadn’t anyone else let her know? Callum, on the other hand, wanted nothing to do with her – he wanted no explanations. He just wanted her to disappear and leave him be.

Both Callum and Olivia were fighting demons from their past – demons from before they ever met. Neither had stable homes nor anyone they could trust. Yet, they had managed to find that love and trust with each other. Could they find it again? Olivia was absolutely relentless in her pursuit of Callum and trying to make him understand what happened. Callum was absolutely determined to have nothing to do with Olivia in any way. So, it was interesting to watch these two overcome their fears and anguish and learn to love and trust again.

For me, the book was much too angsty - too ‘woe is me’. I quickly tired of that especially when I thought the danger and the search for the villain could have been played to a much better advantage than all of the angst. But then, I’m not a fan of angst, so I’m sure that explains why I tired of it.

I voluntarily read and reviewed an Advanced Reader Copy (ARC) of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.
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BarbaraRogers | May 4, 2023 |
I enjoyed the variety of stories in this book. It was lovely to see couples if different ages, experiences, and encounters.

Very spicy read, but quick I finished it in one day!
yonitdm | Sep 1, 2022 |
Flora MacGregor has a heart as big as the sky. Her first thought is always of helping or doing for someone else. She is also a thief. She doesn’t want to be a thief; she just doesn’t have any alternative. Family is everything to her and while hers isn’t one of blood, they are still as important to her as if they were blood. She’ll do whatever she has to in order to protect them. With one of her older 'brothers’ in danger and all of them facing eviction, she knows she has to come up with a great deal of money. Boy did she ever luck up – she just made a huge score off the English dandy whose pocket she just picked. At least, she thought she was in luck until the dandy tracked her down and dragged her back to his hotel room to force her to tell him what she’d done with his treasure.

Isaac Nathaniel Hamilton, 7th earl of Dunbridge, has just earned back the fortune his uncle lost at cards. He’s spent years tracking down the man who won the fortune and now he’s in Scotland and has just won it back. He’s so pleased with himself that he’s walking down the street with a wide self-satisfied smile on his face. Even better, the most ravishing woman has just bumped into him and their touch lingered. What a good day! Well – it was a good day until he realized that the box with the deeds and jewels is missing. Why that thieving little minx! He’ll just track her down and make her return it all.

After he finds her and brings her back to his hotel room, he tries to coerce her into showing him where she has hidden his property. She’s not quite as easy to coerce as he would have thought. She’s beautiful and the attraction is strong – but she’s also stubborn and determined not to return his property. She’s convinced he doesn’t need it and she knows she does need it to save her family. As the danger to Flora rears its ugly head, Isaac knows he has to keep her safe – even if it means dragging her out of Aberdeen and off to a house party among members of the ton.

They have a strong attraction that turns into love. She wants to protect him – and he wants to protect her – so maybe they can protect each other. Of course, she also wants to protect her ‘brother’ and that brings danger to all of them.

I enjoyed this story and I’m glad I read it. I do think it is highly improbable though. A thief, raised in the streets of Aberdeen, still manages to be clean, neat, and smell like strawberries. That just doesn’t seem possible. Then, she attends a house party among members of the ton and finds acceptance. Her manners, speech, etc. must have been so far afield that both of them would have been asked to leave. None of that kept me from enjoying the story – it was just incongruous for the time (1811).

I’m looking forward to the next book in the series, To Covet a Highland Criminal, because it features the ‘brother’ who was in need of saving – Bran. I hope you enjoy the read.

I voluntarily read and reviewed an Advanced Reader Copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.
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BarbaraRogers | Feb 28, 2021 |
HistoricalJunkie | Sep 17, 2019 |

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