PlacesShropshire, England, UK

Works (110)

'The labyrinth of flames' : work and social conflict in early industrial Merthyr Tydfil by Chris Evansiron industry
9th and 13th by Jonathan Coenot in English Common Knowledge
A.E. Housman: The Scholar Poet by Richard Perceval Graves
After the Abduction by Sabrina Jeffries
An atlas of the breeding birds of Shropshire by  
Blandings Castle by P. G. WodehouseBlandings Castle
Bought: One Husband by Diana Hamilton
Brother Cadfael's Penance by Ellis Peters
The Buildings of Shropshire: Volume III: The Georgian and Regency Legacy 1730-1840 by Lawrence Garner
Castles of Shropshire (Medieval Castles of England) by Michael Jackson
The China Bride by Mary Jo Putney
Civil to Strangers by Barbara Pym
Cocktail Time by P. G. Wodehouse
The Complete Caballistics Inc. by Gordon Rennie
A Dark Dividing by Sarah Rayne
The Devil's Novice by Ellis Peters
Domesday Book: A Complete Translation by G. H. Martin
Domesday Book: Shropshire Domesday Book:Shropshire (Domesday Books (Phillimore)) by John Morris
Ecological flora of the Shropshire region by C.A. Sinker
Edith Pargeter: Ellis Peters by Margaret Lewis
Edward Lhuyd (1660-1709): A Shropshire Welshman by Derek R. Williams
Ellis Peters' Shropshire by Ellis Peters
The English Counties Illustrated by C. E. M. Joad
Fallen into the Pit by Ellis Peters
Fatal Flaw by Frank Smith
A flora of Shropshire by William Allport Leighton
Full Moon (Short-Story) by Georgette Heyer
The Gem Collector by P. G. Wodehouse
Geology of Shropshire by Peter Toghill
A Handbook for Residents and Travellers in Shropshire and Cheshire by John Murray
Hatchments in Britain - Vol 9 - Herefordshire, Shropshire, Wales, Scotland by Peter Summers
Heart of England Walks by Brian Conduit
Heavy Weather by P. G. Wodehouse
Here Be Dragons by Sharon Kay Penman
High Tea by Sandra Harper
His Castilian Hawk by Anna Belfrage
The Human Body by Lucy Kirkwood
Hutchinson's Pocket Guides (Gloucester, Monmouth, Hereford, Worcester and Shropshire Severn and Wye Valleys) by W S Shears
An Improper Proposal by Patricia Cabot
In the Frame by Dick Francis
Iron-Bound by Edith Pargeter
Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell by Susanna Clarke
The journal of the Welsh Bibliographical Society, vol. IV, nos. 7-8 by Welsh Bibliographical Societybook-trade
The King's England : Shropshire : county of the western hills by Arthur Mee
Leave it to Psmith by P. G. Wodehouse
Life at Blandings by P. G. WodehouseBlandings Castle
The Little Broomstick by Mary Stewart
Lord Emsworth acts for the best : the collected Blandings short stories by P. G. WodehouseBlandings Castle
Ludlow Castle by R. Shoesmith
Ludlow Castle: Its History and Buildings by R. Shoesmith
Ludlow, The Parish Church of St Laurence
The Master of Maryknoll by Malcolm Saville
Monks' Court by Katherine Wigmore Eyre
The Morville Hours by Katherine Swift
A Most Novel Revenge by Ashley Weaver
The Most Of P.G. Wodehouse by P. G. WodehouseBlandings Castle
Murder Through Mischance by Brian W. Taylor
National commercial directory: Cheshire, Derbyshire, Nottinghamshire, Shropshire. Pigot & Co 1828-9 by Michael Winton
Nooks and corners of Shropshire by Henry Thornhill Timmins
Nordy Bank by Sheena Porter
Old cottages, farm houses, and other half-timber buildings in Shropshire, Herefordshire, and Cheshire by James Parkinson
The Old Curiosity Shop by Charles Dickens
The Ordovician trilobite faunas of South Shropshire (British Museum) by W. T Dean
Photographic memories of the Heart of England: a century of change in the Midlands by Francis Frith
Pigs Have Wings by P. G. Wodehouse
The Place-names of Shropshire, part I (EPNS vol. LXII/LXIII) by Margaret Gelling
The Place-names of Shropshire, part II (EPNS vol. LXX) by Margaret Gelling
The Place-names of Shropshire, part III (EPNS vol. LXXVI) by Margaret Gelling
The Place-names of Shropshire, part IV (EPNS vol. LXXX) by Margaret Gelling
The Place-names of Shropshire, part V (EPNS vol. LXXXII) by Margaret Gelling
Plum Pie by P. G. Wodehouse
Precious Bane by Mary Webb
The Price of Light by Ellis Peters
Property of A Lady by Sarah Rayne
The Rain Before it Falls by Jonathan Coe
Rain: Four Walks in English Weather by Melissa Harrison
Ransom My Heart by Meg Cabot
The roots of Welsh border Morris: The Welsh border Morris dances of Herefordshire, Worcestershire, and Shropshire by Dave Jones
Science Comics: Bridges: Engineering Masterpieces by Dan Zettwoch
The Secret History of the Pink Carnation by Lauren Willig
Shadows and Lies by Marjorie Eccles
Shadows and Strongholds by Elizabeth Chadwick
The Shell Book of Exploring Britain by Garry Hogg
Shropshire by Paul Murphy
Shropshire by Edmund Vale
Shropshire by Nikolaus Pevsner
Shropshire & Herefordshire villages (The Village series) by George H. Haines
Shropshire (County Red Book) by Shropshire Estate Publications
Shropshire Craneflies by Peter Boardman
Shropshire field-names by H. D. G. Foxall
Shropshire Folk-Lore: A Sheaf of Gleanings by Charlotte Sophia Burne
Shropshire Geology: stratigraphic and tectonic history by Peter Togill
Shropshire Ghost Stories by Howard Hughes
A Shropshire Lad by A. E. Housman
Shropshire Landscape (Making of the English Landscape) by Trevor Rowley
Shropshire Murder Casebook by Paul Harrison
The Shropshire Way and Wild Edric's Way by Terry Marsh
Shropshire Word-Book, A Glossary of Archaic and Provincial Words, etc., used in the county by Georgina F.(rederica) Jackson
The Smile of a Ghost by Phil Rickman
Something Fresh by P. G. WodehouseBlandings Castle
A Strange Enchantment by Mabel Esther Allan
Summer Lightning by P. G. Wodehouse
Trick or Treat: A History of Halloween by Lisa Morton
Victorian and Edwardian Shropshire from Old Photographs by Urszula Rayska
Village Walks in Shropshire by Roy Woodcock
Walking in the Shropshire Hills: A Walker's Guide (Cicerone British Walking) by David Hunter
Week-End Wodehouse by P. G. Wodehouse
West country; byway motoring in Somerset, Gloucestershire, Herefordshire, Worcestershire and parts of Shropshire and Wiltshire (His Motoring on regional byways) by Christopher Trent
The White Farm and Other Stories by Geraint Goodwin