Publisher SeriesCriterion Laserdiscs

Citizen Kane [1941 film] by Orson Welles 616 copies, 9 reviews1
King Kong [1933 film] by Merian C. Cooper 175 copies, 5 reviews2
The 39 Steps [1935 film] by Alfred Hitchcock 309 copies, 5 reviews3
The Lady Vanishes [1938 film] by Alfred Hitchcock 210 copies, 2 reviews4
The Third Man [1949 film] by Carol Reed 345 copies, 8 reviews5
Swing Time [1936 film] by George Stevens 96 copies, 2 reviews6
High Noon [1952 film] by Fred Zinnemann 207 copies, 6 reviews7
Invasion of the Body Snatchers [1956 film] by Don Siegel 121 copies, 4 reviews8
The Magnificent Ambersons [1942 film] by Orson Welles 98 copies9
The Seventh Seal [1957 film] by Ingmar Bergman 217 copies, 5 reviews10
The Hidden Fortress [1958 film] by Akira Kurosawa 135 copies, 1 review11
Lola Montès [1955 film] by Max Ophüls 33 copies12
Black Orpheus [1959 film] by Marcel Camus 71 copies, 2 reviews13
Shock Corridor [1963 film] by Samuel Fuller 49 copies, 1 review15
Help! [1965 film] by Richard Lester 97 copies, 2 reviews16
The Graduate [1967 film] by Mike Nichols 332 copies, 2 reviews17
It's a Wonderful Life [1946 film] by Frank Capra 1,057 copies, 11 reviews18
Blade Runner [Director's Cut] by Ridley Scott 522 copies, 3 reviews19
A Hard Day's Night [1964 film] by Richard Lester 259 copies, 3 reviews20
Monsieur Hulot's Holiday [1953 film] by Jacques Tati 79 copies, 3 reviews21
Sabotage [1936 film] by Alfred Hitchcock 68 copies, 1 review22
Secret Agent [1936 film] by Alfred Hitchcock 96 copies, 3 reviews23
Young and Innocent [1937 film] by Alfred Hitchcock 51 copies, 1 review24
The Grand Illusion [1937 film] by Jean Renoir 135 copies, 4 reviews25
The Asphalt Jungle [1950 film] by John Huston 83 copies, 2 reviews26
12 Angry Men [1957 film] by Sidney Lumet 408 copies, 10 reviews27
The Night of the Hunter [1955 film] by Charles Laughton 183 copies, 2 reviews28
La Strada [1954 film] by Federico Fellini 95 copies, 2 reviews29
Forbidden Games [1952 film] by René Clément 32 copies, 4 reviews30
A Night at the Opera [1935 film] by Sam Wood 103 copies, 2 reviews31
Scaramouche [1952 film] by George Sidney 28 copies, 1 review32
Pygmalion [1938 film] by Anthony Asquith 54 copies, 1 review33
Vengeance Is Mine [1979 film] by Shohei Imamura 21 copies34
Satyricon [1968 film] by Federico Fellini 140 copies35
The Producers [1968 film] by Mel Brooks 272 copies, 6 reviews36
The Life and Death of Colonel Blimp [1943 film] by Michael Powell 76 copies, 1 review37
Black Narcissus [1947 film] by Michael Powell 100 copies, 2 reviews38
The Threepenny Opera [1931 film] by G. W. Pabst 33 copies, 1 review39
The Princess Bride [1987 film] by Rob Reiner 2,057 copies, 15 reviews40
Tunes of Glory [1960 film] by Ronald Neame 25 copies, 1 review41
The Horse's Mouth [1958 film] by Ronald Neame 22 copies42
Shoot the Piano Player [1960 film] by François Truffaut 70 copies, 1 review43
Monterey Pop [1968 film] by D. A. Pennebaker 14 copies, 1 review44
Show Boat [1936 film] by James Whale 19 copies45
North by Northwest [1959 film] by Alfred Hitchcock 537 copies, 6 reviews46
Adam's Rib [1949 film] by George Cukor 125 copies, 2 reviews47
Blow-Up [1967 film] by Michelangelo Antonioni 132 copies, 2 reviews48
Rashomon [1950 film] by Akira Kurosawa 236 copies, 3 reviews49
The Rules of the Game [1939 film] by Jean Renoir 104 copies, 3 reviews50
Singin' in the Rain [1952 film] by Gene Kelly 715 copies, 7 reviews52
Forbidden Planet [1956 film] by Fred M. Wilcox 228 copies, 2 reviews53
Zulu [1964 film] by Cy Endfield 210 copies, 1 review54
Darling [1965 film] by John Schlesinger 25 copies, 1 review55
Paths of Glory [1957 film] by Stanley Kubrick 192 copies, 5 reviews57
The Wizard of Oz [1939 film] by Victor Fleming 1,364 copies, 11 reviews59
2001: A Space Odyssey [1968 film] by Stanley Kubrick 830 copies, 11 reviews60
L'Avventura [1960 film] by Michelangelo Antonioni 106 copies, 7 reviews62
The Killing [1956 film] by Stanley Kubrick 103 copies, 2 reviews64
The Blob [1958 film] by Irvin S. Yeaworth 48 copies, 1 review65
The Adventures of Robin Hood [1938 film] by Michael Curtiz 322 copies, 3 reviews66
Seven Samurai [1954 film] by Akira Kurosawa 372 copies, 5 reviews67
The River [1951 film] by Jean Renoir 36 copies, 2 reviews70
8½ [1963 film] by Federico Fellini 178 copies, 3 reviews71
West Side Story [1961 film] by Robert Wise 726 copies, 8 reviews72
Casablanca [1942 film] by Michael Curtiz 1,173 copies, 23 reviews73
Some Like It Hot [1959 film] by Billy Wilder 508 copies, 9 reviews74
Ghostbusters [1984 film] by Ivan Reitman 643 copies, 10 reviews75
Floating Weeds [1959 film] by Yasujirō Ozu 25 copies, 1 review76
The Naked Kiss [1964 film] by Samuel Fuller 43 copies, 2 reviews77
Lawrence of Arabia [1962 film] by David Lean 657 copies, 9 reviews78
Shampoo [1975 film] by Hal Ashby 32 copies79
Five Easy Pieces [1970 film] by Bob Rafelson 99 copies, 3 reviews81
Red Beard [1965 film] by Akira Kurosawa 38 copies82
Miracle in Milan [1951 film] by Vittorio De Sica 45 copies83
Children of Paradise [1945 film] by Marcel Carné 102 copies, 4 reviews84
Wild Strawberries [1957 film] by Ingmar Bergman 126 copies, 3 reviews85
Smiles of a Summer Night [1955 film] by Ingmar Bergman 58 copies, 3 reviews86
Annie Hall [1977 film] by Woody Allen 328 copies, 6 reviews93
Jour de fête [1949 film] by Jacques Tati 38 copies, 1 review94
The Great Escape [1963 film] by John Sturges 560 copies, 8 reviews95
La Cage aux Folles [1978 film] by Edouard Molinaro 104 copies, 1 review96
Rebecca [1940 film] by Alfred Hitchcock 277 copies, 6 reviews98
Burn! [1969 film] by Gillo Pontecorvo 12 copies99
Notorious [1946 film] by Alfred Hitchcock 255 copies, 13 reviews100
Mon Oncle [1958 film] by Jacques Tati 84 copies, 3 reviews101
Lolita [1962 film] by Stanley Kubrick 133 copies, 2 reviews103
Yojimbo [1961 film] by Akira Kurosawa 152 copies, 2 reviews105
Throne of Blood [1957 film] by Akira Kurosawa 141 copies, 2 reviews106
Umberto D. [1952 film] by Vittorio De Sica 60 copies, 3 reviews107
Sex, Lies, and Videotape [1989 film] by Steven Soderbergh 117 copies, 1 review108
Taxi Driver [1976 film] by Martin Scorsese 348 copies, 3 reviews109
The Lacemaker [1977 film] by Claude Goretta 11 copies112
That Obscure Object of Desire [1977 film] by Luis Buñuel 53 copies113
Ikiru [1952 film] by Akira Kurosawa 134 copies, 2 reviews114
King of Hearts [1966 film] by Philippe de Broca 29 copies115
Summertime [1955 film] by David Lean 51 copies116
Tokyo Olympiad [1965 film] by Kon Ichikawa 7 copies117
Silverado [1985 film] by Lawrence Kasdan 192 copies118
Kwaidan [1964 film] by Masaki Kobayashi 99 copies, 1 review119
Raging Bull [1980 film] by Martin Scorsese 250 copies, 4 reviews120
Mr. Arkadin [1955 film] by Orson Welles 34 copies, 1 review121
The Big Chill [1983 film] by Lawrence Kasdan 167 copies, 3 reviews123
Dr. No [1962 film] by Terence Young 382 copies, 2 reviews124
Close Encounters of the Third Kind [1977 film] by Steven Spielberg 549 copies, 13 reviews125
The Devil and Daniel Webster [1941 film] by William Dieterle 22 copies, 1 review126
The Wages of Fear [1953 film] by Henri-Georges Clouzot 91 copies, 2 reviews127
Beauty and the Beast [1946 film] by Jean Cocteau 133 copies, 5 reviews128
Parade [1974 film] by Jacques Tati 11 copies129
49th Parallel [1941 film] by Michael Powell 30 copies, 2 reviews130
From Russia with Love [1963 film] by Terence Young 312 copies, 2 reviews131
Goldfinger [1964 film] by Guy Hamilton 382 copies, 3 reviews132
Bad Day at Black Rock [1954 film] by John Sturges 60 copies, 3 reviews133
Knife in the Water [1962 film] by Roman Polanski 45 copies134
Here Comes Mr. Jordan [1941 film] by Alexander Hall 22 copies135
Arsenic and Old Lace [1944 film] by Frank Capra 320 copies, 7 reviews136
Lady for a Day [1933 film] by Frank Capra 6 copies137
Diabolique [1955 film] by Henri-Georges Clouzot 113 copies, 4 reviews138
The Last Picture Show [1971 film] by Peter Bogdanovich 119 copies139
Carnal Knowledge [1971 film] by Mike Nichols 28 copies140
Carrie [1976 film] by Brian De Palma 219 copies, 5 reviews141
Dr. Strangelove, or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb [1964 film] by Stanley Kubrick 649 copies, 6 reviews143
The Adventures of Baron Munchausen [1988 film] by Terry Gilliam 226 copies, 1 review144
Tootsie [1982 film] by Sydney Pollack 201 copies, 2 reviews145
Midnight Cowboy [1969 film] by John Schlesinger 163 copies, 2 reviews146
The Harder They Come [1972 film] by Perry Henzell 30 copies147
Sunday Bloody Sunday [1971 film] by John Schlesinger 35 copies148
The Fisher King [1991 film] by Terry Gilliam 161 copies, 2 reviews149
Boyz n the Hood [1991 film] by John Singleton 83 copies, 1 review150
Akira [1988 film] by Katsuhiro Otomo 255 copies, 5 reviews151
King of Kings [1927 film] by Cecil B. DeMille 19 copies152
Breathless [1960 film] by Jean-Luc Godard 177 copies, 4 reviews153
Blackmail [1929 film] by Alfred Hitchcock 53 copies, 2 reviews154
Spartacus [1960 film] by Stanley Kubrick 305 copies, 4 reviews155
Peeping Tom [1960 film] by Michael Powell 57 copies156
The Tales of Hoffmann [1951 film] by Michael Powell 44 copies157
The Last Metro [1980 film] by François Truffaut 60 copies, 6 reviews158
Jason and the Argonauts [1963 film] by Don Chaffey 117 copies160
Secret Honor [1984 film] by Robert Altman 10 copies161
The Golden Coach [1953 film] by Jean Renoir 13 copies162
French Cancan [1954 film] by Jean Renoir 12 copies163
The Fallen Idol [1948 film] by Carol Reed 29 copies164
Jules and Jim [1962 film] by François Truffaut 139 copies, 7 reviews165
The Silence [1963 film] by Ingmar Bergman 40 copies166
Monty Python and the Holy Grail [1975 film] by Terry Gilliam 1,307 copies, 10 reviews168
The Man Who Fell to Earth [1976 film] by Nicolas Roeg 115 copies, 1 review169
Green for Danger [1946 film] by Sidney Gilliat 23 copies, 2 reviews170
The Burmese Harp [1956 film] by Kon Ichikawa 31 copies, 1 review171
The 400 Blows [1959 film] by François Truffaut 160 copies, 5 reviews173
Ugetsu [1953 film] by Kenji Mizoguchi 54 copies, 1 review174
The Player [1992 film] by Robert Altman 102 copies, 3 reviews175
Samurai I: Musashi Miyamoto [1954 film] by Hiroshi Inagaki 34 copies176
Samurai II: Duel at Ichijoji Temple [1955 film] by Hiroshi Inagaki 27 copies177
Samurai III: Duel at Ganryu Island [1956 film] by Hiroshi Inagaki 24 copies178
Damage [1992 film] by Louis Malle 27 copies, 1 review182
Bram Stoker's Dracula [1992 film] by Francis Ford Coppola 519 copies, 5 reviews183
Robinson Crusoe on Mars [1964 film] by Byron Haskin 36 copies, 1 review184
Lord of the Flies [1963 film] by Peter Brook 130 copies, 4 reviews185
Confidentially Yours [1983 film] by François Truffaut 25 copies, 1 review187
Edward II [1991 film] by Derek Jarman 41 copies189
Richard III [1955 film] by Laurence Olivier 67 copies, 1 review190
The Silence of the Lambs [1991 film] by Jonathan Demme 690 copies, 8 reviews192
The Makioka Sisters [1983 film] by Kon Ichikawa 21 copies195
Brazil [1985 film] by Terry Gilliam 363 copies, 4 reviews196
RoboCop [1987 film] by Paul Verhoeven 284 copies, 2 reviews198
The Emperor Jones [1933 film] by Dudley Murphy 10 copies202
Get Out Your Handkerchiefs [1978 film] by Bertrand Blier 10 copies203
Evergreen [1934 film] by Victor Saville 2 copies204
Cries and Whispers [1972 film] by Ingmar Bergman 65 copies, 2 reviews207
Salò, or the 120 Days of Sodom [1975 film] by Pier Paolo Pasolini 88 copies, 5 reviews209
Polyester [1981 film] by John Waters 48 copies210
The Killer [1989 film] by John Woo 74 copies, 2 reviews211
Repulsion [1965 film] by Roman Polanski 77 copies, 1 review212
Salt of the Earth [1954 film] by Herbert J. Biberman 29 copies213
Sanjuro [1962 film] by Akira Kurosawa 99 copies, 1 review218
Menace II Society - Director's Cut [1993 film] by Albert Hughes 10 copies219
Menace II Society [1993 film] by Tyrin Turner 31 copies219
Othello [1951 film] by Orson Welles 63 copies220
Osaka Elegy [1936 film] by Mizoguchi Kenji 2 copies221
Andrei Rublev [1966 film] by Andrei Tarkovsky 100 copies, 4 reviews222
Sansho the Bailiff [1954 film] by Kenji Mizoguchi 39 copies223
Two English Girls [1971 film] by François Truffaut 27 copies225
The Last Laugh [1924 film] by F. W. Murnau 29 copies, 3 reviews226
The Prince of Tides [1991 film] by Barbra Streisand 57 copies227
She's Gotta Have It [1986 film] by Spike Lee 89 copies229
Short Cuts [1993 film] by Robert Altman 53 copies231
Cat People [1942 film] by Jacques Tourneur 63 copies, 1 review233
Naked [1993 film] by Mike Leigh 40 copies234
The Woman Next Door [1981 film] by François Truffaut 21 copies236
I Know Where I'm Going [1945 film] by Michael Powell 57 copies, 1 review237
This Is Spinal Tap [1984 film] by Rob Reiner 412 copies, 6 reviews238
Sid and Nancy [1986 film] by Alex Cox 79 copies, 2 reviews241
Ashes and Diamonds [1958 film] by Andrzej Wajda 38 copies, 5 reviews242
The Soft Skin [1964 film] by François Truffaut 34 copies243
David Holzman's Diary [1967 film] by Jim McBride 3 copies244
Hard Boiled [1992 film] by John Woo 97 copies, 3 reviews245
Through a Glass Darkly [1961 film] by Ingmar Bergman 31 copies246
Halloween [1978 film] by John Carpenter 249 copies, 3 reviews247
Brief Encounter [1945 film] by David Lean 120 copies, 2 reviews248
The Red Shoes [1948 film] by Michael Powell 149 copies, 4 reviews249
A Night to Remember [1958 film] by Roy Ward Baker 68 copies250
Winter Light [1962 film] by Ingmar Bergman 36 copies254
Autumn Sonata [1978 film] by Ingmar Bergman 60 copies, 2 reviews255
Dersu Uzala [1975 film] by Akira Kurosawa 35 copies, 1 review256
Rome, Open City [1945 film] by Roberto Rossellini 70 copies, 6 reviews257
Henry V [1944 film] by Laurence Olivier 73 copies, 4 reviews258
Hobson's Choice [1954 film] by David Lean 42 copies259
F for Fake [1973 film] by Orson Welles 68 copies260
Three Cases of Murder [DVD] by David Eady 2 copies261
Great Expectations [1946 film] by David Lean 80 copies, 2 reviews262
In Which We Serve [1942 film] by Noël Coward 46 copies, 1 review263
La Ronde [1950 film] by Max Ophüls 26 copies, 1 review264
The Importance of Being Earnest [1952 film] by Anthony Asquith 74 copies, 1 review265
Do the Right Thing [1989 film] by Spike Lee 149 copies, 4 reviews266
Oliver Twist [1948 film] by David Lean 55 copies, 2 reviews267
Amarcord [1973 film] by Federico Fellini 122 copies, 3 reviews270
Pulp Fiction [1994 film] by Quentin Tarantino 826 copies, 10 reviews271
The Magic Flute [1975 film] by Ingmar Bergman 58 copies, 1 review273
Alphaville [1965 film] by Jean-Luc Godard 82 copies, 3 reviews274
Clean Slate [1981 film] by Bertrand Tavernier 23 copies275
Fires on the Plain [1959 film] by Kon Ichikawa 27 copies, 2 reviews276
The Virgin Spring [1960 film] by Ingmar Bergman 54 copies277
Variety Lights [1951 film] by Federico Fellini 10 copies279
Odd Man Out [1947 film] by Carol Reed 38 copies, 1 review280
The Atomic Cafe [film] by Jayne Loader 24 copies285
Why has Bodhi-Dharma left for the East? = Dharmaga Tongjoguro Kan Kkadalgun [1989 film] by Yong-kyun Bae 13 copies286
Blood for Dracula [1974 film] by Paul Morrissey 31 copies287
Flesh for Frankenstein [1973 film] by Paul Morrissey 32 copies, 1 review288
The Blood of a Poet [1930 film] by Jean Cocteau 39 copies, 2 reviews289
Belle de Jour [1967 film] by Luis Buñuel 94 copies290
Dodes'kaden [1970 film] by Akira Kurosawa 19 copies291
Scenes from a Marriage [1974 film] by Ingmar Bergman 29 copies, 1 review293
The Sword of Doom [1966 film] by Kihachi Okamoto 43 copies, 1 review294
I Am Cuba [1964 film] by Mikhail Kalatozov 19 copies295
Hamlet [1948 film] by Laurence Olivier 137 copies, 3 reviews296
Se7en [1995 film] by David Fincher 596 copies, 6 reviews298
Tristana [1970 film] by Luis Bunuel 23 copies299
Dead Presidents [1995 film] by Albert Hughes 23 copies301
The Earrings of Madame de... [1953 film] by Max Ophüls 50 copies, 2 reviews302
The Magician [1958 film] by Ingmar Bergman 32 copies, 1 review303
El Cid [1961 film] by Anthony Mann 89 copies304
Dead Ringers [1988 film] by David Cronenberg 58 copies305
This Sporting Life [1963 film] by Lindsay Anderson 24 copies306
Stranger Than Paradise [1984 film] by Jim Jarmusch 66 copies307
Diva [1981 film] by Jean-Jacques Beineix 62 copies, 1 review309
The Entertainer [1960 film] by Tony Richardson 26 copies, 1 review312
Swept Away [1974 film] by Lina Wertmüller 16 copies313
The Return of Martin Guerre [1981 film] by Daniel Vigne 41 copies, 1 review315
Sweet Sweetback's Baadasssss Song by Melvin Van Peebles 14 copies316
The League of Gentlemen [1960 film] by Basil Dearden 15 copies318
Big Deal on Madonna Street [1958 film] by Mario Monicelli 26 copies, 2 reviews321
Crimes and Misdemeanors [1989 film] by Woody Allen 97 copies, 4 reviews323
Purple Noon [1960 film] by René Clément 53 copies, 2 reviews324
Trainspotting [1996 film] by Danny Boyle 276 copies, 2 reviews325
Supercop by Jenny Chinn 2 copies327
The Umbrellas of Cherbourg [1964 film] by Jacques Demy 113 copies, 3 reviews328
The Life of Oharu [1952 film] by Kenji Mizoguchi 24 copies329
The Long Good Friday [1980 film] by John Mackenzie 72 copies, 1 review331
Early Summer [1951 film] by Yasujirō Ozu 23 copies332
The Rock [1996 film] by Michael Bay 337 copies, 3 reviews334
Shine [1996 film] by Scott Hicks 63 copies, 3 reviews335
The English Patient [1996 film] by Anthony Minghella 297 copies, 6 reviews336
Evita [1996 film] by Alan Parker 185 copies, 3 reviews337
Olympia [1938 film] by Leni Riefenstahl 28 copies, 3 reviews338
Withnail and I [1987 film] by Bruce Robinson 134 copies, 1 review339
How To Get Ahead In Advertising (DVD) by Bruce Robinson 12 copies340
Pink Flamingos [1972 film] by John Waters 57 copies341
Breaking the Waves [1996 film] by Lars von Trier 66 copies343
Nostalgia [1983 film] by Andrei Tarkovsky 49 copies, 1 review344
My Life to Live [1962 film] by Jean-Luc Godard 52 copies, 1 review345
Five Corners [1987 film] by Tony Bill 10 copies346
Mona Lisa [1986 film] by Neil Jordan 42 copies347
Women on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown [1988 film] by Pedro Almodóvar 106 copies, 2 reviews348
Crash [1996 film] by David Cronenberg 86 copies, 2 reviews349
Sling Blade [1996 film] by Billy Bob Thornton 125 copies, 1 review350
Walkabout [1971 film] by Nicolas Roeg 90 copies, 2 reviews351
The Last Temptation of Christ [1988 film] by Martin Scorsese 124 copies, 2 reviews352
Monty Python's Life of Brian [1979 film] by Terry Jones 636 copies, 8 reviews353
Time Bandits [1981 film] by Terry Gilliam 411 copies, 3 reviews354
Breaker Morant [1980 film] by Bruce Beresford 69 copies355
The Unbearable Lightness of Being [1988 film] by Philip Kaufman 81 copies, 4 reviews357
Victim [1961 film] by Basil Dearden 31 copies, 1 review358
The Night Porter [1974 film] by Liliana Cavani 69 copies, 6 reviews359
Chasing Amy [1997 film] by Kevin Smith 254 copies, 2 reviews360
Branded to Kill [1967 film] by Seijun Suzuki 43 copies361
Tokyo Drifter [1966 film] by Seijun Suzuki 34 copies362
Vagabond [1985 film] by Agnès Varda 17 copies, 1 review363
Cleo from 5 to 7 [1962 film] by Agnès Varda 38 copies, 3 reviews364
The Game [1997 film] by David Fincher 195 copies, 2 reviews365
Boogie Nights [1997 film] by Paul Thomas Anderson 203 copies, 2 reviews366
Double Suicide [1969 film] by Masahiro Shinoda 14 copies367
Good Morning [1959 film] by Yasujirō Ozu 32 copies368
Onibaba [1964 film] by Kaneto Shindo 48 copies369
Stray Dog [1949 film] by Akira Kurosawa 44 copies, 2 reviews370
The Bad Sleep Well [1960 film] by Akira Kurosawa 50 copies371
High and Low [1963 film] by Akira Kurosawa 75 copies382
Picnic at Hanging Rock [1975 film] by Peter Weir 116 copies, 1 review383
Armageddon [1998 film] by Michael Bay 436 copies, 2 reviews384
Bodies, Rest & Motion [1993 film] by Michael Steinberg 3 copies
Chungking Express [1994 film] by Kar Wai Wong 73 copies, 2 reviews
The Red Balloon / White Mane by Albert Lamorisse 14 copies, 1 review
Sonatine [1993 film] by Takeshi Kitano 18 copies
Switchblade Sisters by Jack Hill 4 copies
Tanner '88 [1988 TV mini series] by Robert Altman 8 copies


1940s(142) 1950s(206) 1960s(262) 1970s(139) 1980s(144) 20th(118) action(454) adventure(450) American cinema(132) black and white(169) Blu-ray(630) Christmas(110) cinema(315) classic(185) classics(113) comedy(1,088) crime(266) Criterion(471) Criterion Collection(408) drama(1,569) dvd(5,853) DVDs(117) family(100) fantasy(495) Feature Films(205) fiction(292) film(1,716) films(100) France(119) French(174) horror(291) humor(108) James Bond(137) Japan(207) Japanese(132) movie(1,260) movies(600) music(122) musical(365) mystery(206) romance(439) science fiction(585) thomson1000(133) thriller(458) usa(190) vhs(389) video(271) war(193) watched(108) wwii(189)
