Publisher SeriesRBA Narrativa Actual


El aire de un crimen by Juan Benet 111 copies, 6 reviews110
Belver Yin by Jesús Ferrero 116 copies, 2 reviews
The Fencing Master by Arturo Pérez-Reverte 2,443 copies, 38 reviews
Filomeno, a mi pesar by Gonzalo Torrente Ballester 199 copies, 12 reviews
The General in His Labyrinth by Gabriel Garcia Marquez 4,600 copies, 47 reviews1
La gesta del marrano by Marcos Aguinis 63 copies, 4 reviews
Goodbye to Berlin by Christopher Isherwood 2,118 copies, 49 reviews
The Name of the Rose by Umberto Eco 19,608 copies, 315 reviews1
No digas que fue un sueño by Terenci Moix 382 copies, 15 reviews
The Perón Novel by Tomás Eloy Martínez 153 copies, 3 reviews
The River by Rafael Sánchez Ferlosio 328 copies, 10 reviews
Todos mienten by Soledad Puértolas 43 copies, 1 review
The War of the End of the World by Mario Vargas Llosa 2,327 copies, 48 reviews
Perfume: The Story of a Murderer by Patrick Süskind 18,224 copies, 453 reviews2
La sonrisa etrusca by José Luis Sampedro 704 copies, 34 reviews2
The City of Marvels by Eduardo Mendoza 1,075 copies, 23 reviews3
The Unbearable Lightness of Being by Milan Kundera 22,559 copies, 275 reviews3
The Bonfire of the Vanities by Tom Wolfe 8,988 copies, 132 reviews4
Dona Flor and Her Two Husbands by Jorge Amado 1,335 copies, 29 reviews4
Señora de rojo sobre fondo gris by Miguel Delibes 263 copies, 9 reviews4
A Confederacy of Dunces by John Kennedy Toole 21,476 copies, 477 reviews5
Like Water for Chocolate by Laura Esquivel 11,913 copies, 257 reviews5
El manuscrito carmesí by Antonio Gala 336 copies, 12 reviews6
The North China Lover by Marguerite Duras 734 copies, 11 reviews7
Five Hours With Mario by Miguel Delibes 597 copies, 21 reviews8
Galíndez by Manuel Vázquez Montalbán 276 copies, 4 reviews8
The Neverending Story by Michael Ende 12,177 copies, 229 reviews9
Animal Farm by George Orwell 60,386 copies, 891 reviews10
The King Amaz'd: A Chronicle by Gonzalo Torrente Ballester 303 copies, 9 reviews10
Kiss of the Spider Woman by Manuel Puig 2,243 copies, 34 reviews10
Variable Cloud by Carmen Martin Gaite 290 copies, 7 reviews10
Out of Africa by Isak Dinesen 5,254 copies, 100 reviews11
Wilt by Tom Sharpe 1,820 copies, 37 reviews12
Prince of Shadows by Antonio Muñoz Molina 227 copies, 3 reviews13
Who Killed Palomino Molero? by Mario Vargas Llosa 840 copies, 24 reviews13
El amante bilingüe by Juan Marsé 171 copies, 4 reviews15
The Sheltering Sky by Paul Bowles 4,331 copies, 79 reviews15
El río que nos lleva by José Luis Sampedro 112 copies, 5 reviews16
A Room with a View by E. M. Forster 11,226 copies, 224 reviews17
La isla de los jacintos cortados by Gonzalo Torrente Ballester 85 copies, 4 reviews18
Pabellón de reposo by Camilo José Cela 103 copies, 5 reviews18
El jinete polaco by Antonio Muñoz Molina 389 copies, 15 reviews19
Brideshead Revisited by Evelyn Waugh 12,629 copies, 265 reviews20
The Ages of Lulu by Almudena Grandes 761 copies, 16 reviews21
The Tin Drum by Günter Grass 7,622 copies, 93 reviews22
The Quiet American by Graham Greene 8,073 copies, 181 reviews23
Garras de astracán by Terenci Moix 94 copies, 7 reviews24
Two Women by Alberto Moravia 549 copies, 7 reviews25
Wilt on High by Tom Sharpe 874 copies, 10 reviews27
Captain Pantoja and the Special Service by Mario Vargas Llosa 1,111 copies, 24 reviews28
Ripley's Game by Patricia Highsmith 1,472 copies, 24 reviews29
La saga/fuga de J. B. by Gonzalo Torrente Ballester 266 copies, 3 reviews30
The Accidental Tourist by Anne Tyler 5,417 copies, 98 reviews31
Juegos de la edad tardía by Luis Landero 296 copies, 10 reviews32
Winter in Lisbon by Antonio Muñoz Molina 386 copies, 11 reviews34
Madera de héroe by Miguel Delibes 88 copies, 1 review37
Bomarzo by Manuel Mujica Lainez 314 copies, 9 reviews39
Contempt by Alberto Moravia 895 copies, 15 reviews41
Las ninfas by Francisco Umbral 158 copies, 2 reviews42
Two Lives and a Dream by Marguerite Yourcenar 325 copies, 7 reviews43
The Lost Steps by Alejo Carpentier 1,126 copies, 18 reviews44
On Heroes and Tombs by Ernesto Sábato 976 copies, 21 reviews45
Springtime in a Broken Mirror by Mario Benedetti 271 copies, 7 reviews46
Journey to the Alcarria: Travels Through the Spanish Countryside by Camilo José Cela 464 copies, 19 reviews47
A Manuscript of Ashes by Antonio Muñoz Molina 271 copies, 9 reviews52
Los santos inocentes by Miguel Delibes 642 copies, 17 reviews54
Difficult Loves by Italo Calvino 1,760 copies, 19 reviews55
Don Juan by Gonzalo Torrente Ballester 133 copies, 2 reviews57
The Power and the Glory by Graham Greene 7,790 copies, 124 reviews59
Te llamaré Viernes by Almudena Grandes 156 copies, 4 reviews60
The Time of Indifference by Alberto Moravia 1,014 copies, 14 reviews61
The Call of the Toad by Günter Grass 404 copies, 4 reviews62
La paradoja del ave migratoria (Literatura Alfaguara) (Spanish Edition) by Luis Goytisolo 9 copies63
Smoke on the Ground by Miguel Delibes 303 copies, 8 reviews65
En la penumbra by Juan Benet 59 copies, 2 reviews67
Music for Chameleons by Truman Capote 1,968 copies, 24 reviews68
The Path to the Spiders' Nests by Italo Calvino 1,689 copies, 24 reviews75
Una Muneca Rusa. El Lado de la Sombra. by Adolfo Bioy Casares 23 copies76
Extramuros by Jesús Fernández Santos 131 copies, 5 reviews77
Verschijning van het Ewigweibliche : verteld door Z.M. de Koning : roman by Álvaro Pombo 24 copies77
La torre vigía by Ana María Matute 85 copies, 2 reviews84
Last Comes the Raven by Italo Calvino 241 copies, 6 reviews85
Alexis by Marguerite Yourcenar 385 copies, 15 reviews88
Christ versus Arizona by Camilo José Cela 110 copies, 1 review100
The Lost Grove by Rafael Alberti 196 copies, 1 review100
Of Love and Shadows by Isabel Allende 3,170 copies, 51 reviews101
La isla inaudita by Eduardo Mendoza 174 copies, 4 reviews109
Arturo's Island by Elsa Morante 789 copies, 20 reviews124

Collections and Selections


1001(965) 1001 books(1,081) 20th century(3,147) Africa(616) allegory(911) American literature(751) British(1,001) British literature(1,033) classic(3,006) classics(3,150) communism(1,020) crime(593) dystopia(1,109) England(699) English(654) English literature(1,182) fantasy(2,340) fiction(28,444) Folio Society(644) German(893) German literature(746) historical(636) historical fiction(2,038) humor(1,361) Italian(621) Italian literature(940) Italy(1,223) literary fiction(599) literature(4,835) love(593) magical realism(1,047) Mexico(903) mystery(1,545) narrativa(1,051) New Orleans(733) novel(5,708) Novela(1,619) own(959) philosophy(618) politics(1,311) read(3,034) religion(664) Roman(1,517) romance(995) satire(1,865) Spanish(755) Spanish literature(619) to-read(9,977) translation(713) unread(1,177)
