Early Reviewers

I’m Tired, Not Lazy: Recharge Your Life With The Power of Acceptance

In her brilliantly witty analysis, Emily E. Roberts delves humorously into the societal pressures propelling us toward utter lunacy.

With sharp intelligence, she highlights how our relentless pursuit of self-improvement transforms us into walking projects destined for burnout. We regard ourselves as machines constantly in need of upkeep, neglecting the fact that even the most sophisticated mechanisms necessitate periods of rest and restoration.

She fearlessly confronts the murky corners of the self-help industry, sharing her journey of embracing stillness as a rebellion against societal norms and discovering inner peace. "I’m Tired, Not Lazy" challenges us to abandon soul-crushing obligations and prioritise our well-being. It's all about hitting the brakes, embracing simplicity, and acknowledging our beautifully flawed humanity.

This isn't your typical self-help guide; it's a wake-up call poised to shake up your world. It champions the revitalising power of kicking back and letting go.

The core concept of the book revolves around reclaiming vitality through acceptance and everyday practices, progressing one small step at a time. It steers readers toward recognising and addressing negative influences, with exercises aimed at cultivating natural reactions and gradually shifting perspectives.

Emily E. Roberts introduces a simple, playful and creative method to rediscover your true self and recharge your life.

“And in the midst of the madness, I’ve come to accept that perfection is overrated.”

“When you accept that joy can be found in the unconventional, the ordinary becomes extraordinary.”

“Imperfections are the strokes that paint the masterpiece of your story.”

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General Nonfiction, Nonfiction
Offered by
Emily_Emma (Author)
April 2024
Starts: 2024-04-01
Ended: 2024-04-25
On Sale
Available in all countries
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